Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Marathon Training...The Final Countdown

Firstly, apologies for the cheesy title – I try and come across as a sensible blogger with interesting ideas but really I’m just a sucker for puns, cheese jokes and clichés.

I haven’t blogged for ages – I meant to do a race report on the Cambridge Half (in summary, I loved it – sunny day, great course that showed off my home city brilliantly and a new PB to boot) but never got round to it. I was also planning to write up my disastrous yet triumphant 20 mile training run (in summary, I wanted to cry, throw up and have a little sleep at various points but I managed to complete it without doing any of those) but couldn’t face it. I think one of the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm for blogging afterwards has been that my experiences have been so up and down that I’ve usually moved on soon after so it doesn’t seem as relevant any more. I thought that I would provide a quick summary of the highs and lows, to remind me how far I’ve come (see told you it was all about the cheese). Hopefully it’ll help steady the taper jitters.

If I was to do a graph of just the last couple of weeks it would be very spiky as I alternate between panic and excitement. I’m also developing niggles in what seems like every part of my legs but I’ve got a sports massage booked for Monday to hopefully ease those out.

How’s everyone else getting on? Paris is also on the 6th April with London the following week so I guess most people are hitting Taper Time now? Apologies to those Milton Keynes and Edinburgh runners who don’t race until May and will be upping the mileage around now – your rewards will come!


  1. Like the graph! I think it's the law that the have to be poorly at some point during marathon training too! Well done on the new PBs!! Woo woo!!
