Sunday, 16 February 2014

Valentines 30K - Race Report

This report doesn't contain any photos I'm afraid, mainly because I didn't take any. I could take one now of my massive new toe blister, but that would give a negative impression of this race and that wouldn't be fair because I loved it. 

I'd entered for the race (put on by Stamford Striders) at the end of last year when I was writing out my marathon plan. I had 18 miles to do so thought that it would be nice to do it with other people- as Marathon Talk put it, a "catered training run". Since then, it's been looming - highlighted yellow on the plan - the first real rest of how training was going. The wind and the rain of the past few weeks coupled with the repeated mentions of "challenging" and "undulating" (we all know that means mountainous) on the race website had put the fear of bad race gods into me and last week I was seriously considering pulling out and just doing a flat easy run by myself instead. I'm really glad I manned up and got myself to the startline - it was a gem of a race.

The sun was shining, registration was quick and easy, yes there were queues for the toilets but only because the lorry carrying the portaloos had broken down (we saw it- with hindsight a photo of that would have been good, sorry readers!). Stamford Striders were a friendly bunch with some of the best marshals around - they wore silly hats, they whooped, they cheered, they had jelly babies and generally made us runners feel awesome. The course itself was hilly - downs as well as ups but hardly any flat. It was tough but the hills were also a good distraction, as were the amazing km markers - heart shaped for the valentines theme and each one included a "motivational" message. My favourites were: (at 2k) "You're not almost there"; "It's all downhill from here. Apart from the uphills" and "In 3 days time you'll think you enjoyed this".
The whole race epitomised why races put on by runners, for runners are generally the best. Thanks Stamford Striders - I'll be back! 

Time: 3hrs 6mins, or an average of 10 minutes a mile, aka marathon target pace! 


  1. Amazing! Three hours running, well done. :-)

  2. Brilliant!! Well done! And can't help feeling deprived of "Massive new toe blister" pic!!

    1. Maybe I should have a "click here if you're not squeamish" section of my blog!

  3. Yay well done. I am feeling really bad as that is what I am meant to be running this week but it just isn't going to happen. :( Got up to 15. Are you doing the Cambridge half? Also, what about the Oakley 20? (I am doing that (as long as I am all better!) That is meant to be hilly too...?

    1. Thank you :-) I saw that you were ill (my comment on your blog came up as PippyPoppy as that was an old log in!) - I hope you're on the mend. I'm not doing Oakley as it's too close to Brighton, but I'm doing the Cambridge Half yup :-) I'll be envious of your Oakley hoodie though!!
