Sunday, 21 July 2013

Learning to blog

I have been thinking about starting to blog for a while but up until now several things have held me back; a lack of time, a consideration of whether anyone would actually be interested in what I had to write about and finally a fear that I might run out of things to say and end up with a half-hearted blog floating around cyberspace. I'm not sure that I have actually been able to resolve any of these things- I still don't feel like I have enough time, but a blog can be just another proverbial ball to juggle and I'm not sure whether anyone will be interested or how long it will last. However recently I find myself increasingly drawn to reading other blogs (over and above magazines) and have noticed a real sense of community amongst bloggers and I'd like to join in! 

Outside of work I am first and foremost a runner and stories of running are likely to dominate this blog (though I am likely to get sidetracked into writing about all sorts of other things). The name "BrandedRunner" was formed this afternoon as I cleaned my bike. I had spent the morning participating in the National Lottery Anniversary Run and when I looked down at my arms I realized that one hand was still "branded" with the letter denoting my baggage drop off. The other was covered in chain shaped oil marks from my bike. I chuckled to myself that a few years ago I might have spent a Sunday still branded with the stamp from a nightclub but now the idea of that seems so alien - I'm much happier getting up early to go out running than I would be staying up to a similar hour clubbing/ drinking! It struck me that I was almost branded as a runner and then the name  for the blog was born...

Coming up soon: my preparations for the Thunder Run



  1. Yay Katie! Welcome to Blog Land. Love the name and look forward to hearing all about your running adventures in another format. x

  2. Thank you! Lots to learn but hoping to squeeze in time to do so :-)

  3. Love the look of your blog and your explanation behind your name. Hope that you love blogging as much as you are hoping to. x

  4. Thanks Alice - it is hard work but enjoying learning at the moment!
